How to Create a List in HTML

How to Create a List in HTML

  • HTML Lists organize the information in clean and useful way.
  • HTML lists represent list of information in well formed and semantic way.
  • html have three different type of list and each HTML list has a specific purpose and meaning,and this article will show you how to use each HTML list.
    1. Unordered Lists
    2. Ordered Lists
    3. Description Lists
How to Create a List in HTML


This article explain the following topic with full description and example.

  1. Ordered Lists
    • Creating a Countdown List
    • Starting a List on a Specific Number
    • Changing the Numbering Style
      • Ordered list Start with a Number(1,2,3..)
      • Ordered list Start with Lowercase Alphabets(a,b,c..)
      • Ordered list Start with Uppercase Alphabets(A,B,C..)
      • Ordered list Start with Lowercase Roman number(i,ii,iii..)
      • Ordered list Start with uppercase Roman number(I,II,III..)
  2. Unordered Lists
  3. Description Lists
  4. Nested Lists

How to Create a List in HTML

Ordered Lists

HTML ordered list typically is a numbered list of information , HTML ordered lists are used to present list of information in well formed and semantic way. Ordered list start with opening HTML element <ol> and closing with </ol> The information on the list are contained between opening list item <li> and closing list item </li> The given below example show the simple ordered list.
 <!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Simple Ordered List</title>
        <li>List item one.</li>
        <li>List item two.</li>
        <li>List item three.</li>
The output of above HTML Ordered list.
  1. List item one.
  2. List item two.
  3. List item three.
How to Create a List in HTML

Creating a HTML Countdown List

For reverse the number of a list, simply add the reversed attributed to the starting <ol> element.
 <!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Reverse Ordered List</title>
       <ol reversed>
        <li>List item one.</li>
        <li>List item two.</li>
        <li>List item three.</li>
The output of above HTML reverse Ordered list.
Simple Ordered List
  1. List item one.
  2. List item two.
  3. List item three.

How to Create a List in HTML

Starting a List on a particular Number

To continue a list with specific number by simply adding start attribute on <ol> tag. The start attribute specifies the start value of the first list item in an HTML ordered list(<ol>).
 <!DOCTYPE html>
         Starting a List on a particular Number
       <ol start="3">
        <li>List item one.</li>
        <li>List item two.</li>
        <li>List item three.</li>
Starting a List on a particular Number
  1. List item one.
  2. List item two.
  3. List item three.

How to Create a List in HTML

Changing the Numbering Style of an ordered list

You can Change the Numbering Style of an ordered list by simply adding type attribute on starting <ol> tag.
Vale of type=" " attribute
  • 1
  • a
  • A
  • i
  • I
In give bellow example showing the different output of type attribute. type="1" (Default) start with a number like(1,2,3....).
 <!DOCTYPE html>
        Starting a List on a particular Number
       <ol type="1">
        <li>List item one.</li>
        <li>List item two.</li>
        <li>List item three.</li>
        <li>List item four.</li>
        <li>List item five.</li>
The output of above HTML Ordered list type="1".
Starting a List on a particular Number
  1. List item one.
  2. List item two.
  3. List item three.
  4. List item four.
  5. List item five.

How to Create a List in HTML
type="a" starting with a lowercase Alphabets like(a, b, c...).
 <!DOCTYPE html>
        Lowercase Alphabetically ordered list
       <ol type="a">
        <li>List item one.</li>
        <li>List item two.</li>
        <li>List item three.</li>
        <li>List item four.</li>
        <li>List item five.</li>
The output of above HTML lowercase Alphabetically ordered list type="a".
Lowercase Alphabetically ordered list
  1. List item one.
  2. List item two.
  3. List item three.
  4. List item four.
  5. List item five.

How to Create a List in HTML
type="A" Starting with a Uppercase Alphabets like(A, B, C...).
 <!DOCTYPE html>
        Uppercase Alphabetically ordered list
       <ol type="A">
        <li>List item one.</li>
        <li>List item two.</li>
        <li>List item three.</li>
        <li>List item four.</li>
        <li>List item five.</li>
The output of above HTML Uppercase Alphabetically ordered list type="A".
Lowercase Alphabetically ordered list
  1. List item one.
  2. List item two.
  3. List item three.
  4. List item four.
  5. List item five.

How to Create a List in HTML
type="i" Starting with a lowercase Roman numbers like (i, ii, iii, iv).
 <!DOCTYPE html>
        lowercase Roman numbers ordered list
       <ol type="i">
        <li>List item one.</li>
        <li>List item two.</li>
        <li>List item three.</li>
        <li>List item four.</li>
        <li>List item five.</li>
The output of above HTML lowercase Roman numbers ordered list type="i".
Lowercase Alphabetically ordered list
  1. List item one.
  2. List item two.
  3. List item three.
  4. List item four.
  5. List item five.

How to Create a List in HTML
type="I" Starting with a uppercase Roman numbers like (I, II, III, IV).
 <!DOCTYPE html>
        Uppercase Roman numbers ordered list
       <ol type="I">
        <li>List item one.</li>
        <li>List item two.</li>
        <li>List item three.</li>
        <li>List item four.</li>
        <li>List item five.</li>
The output of above HTML uppercase Roman numbers ordered list type="I".
Lowercase Alphabetically ordered list
  1. List item one.
  2. List item two.
  3. List item three.
  4. List item four.
  5. List item five.

How to Create a List in HTML

HTML Unordered Lists

HTML unordered lists should be used when rearranging the order of the list data would not change the meaning of the information on the list information. An HTML unordered list starts with the <ul> tag and end with </ul>. every list item starts with the <li> tag and end with </li> tag. The items of HTML unordered list will be marked with bullets. The given below example show the simple unordered list.
 <!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML Unordered list
        <li>List item one.</li>
        <li>List item two.</li>
        <li>List item three.</li>
        <li>List item four.</li>
        <li>List item five.</li>
The output of above HTML Unordered list.
HTML Unordered list
  • List item one.
  • List item two.
  • List item three.
  • List item four.
  • List item five.

How to Create a List in HTML

Description Lists

HTML Description (Definition) List List show elements in definition form.The HTML <dl>, <dt> and <dd> tags are used to define description list(<dl>). HTML Description lists are created with the <dl> tag. The HTML <dl> tag is used in conjunction with data terms <dt> and describes each term <dd>(data definition). The given below example show the simple Description list.
 <!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>HTML Description Lists</title>
        <dt>List item one.Number</dt>
        <dt>Roman Number</dt>
The output of above HTML description list.
HTML Unordered list
List item one.Number
Roman Number

How to Create a List in HTML

HTML Nested Lists

A list place inside another list is called nested list. The given below example show the simple nested list.
 <!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>HTML Nested Lists</title>
The output of above HTML Nested Lists.
HTML Nested Lists
  1. Number
    • 1
    • 2
  2. Alphabets
    • a
    • b

How to Create a List in HTML

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